In Acts 10:38, your Jesus, my Jesus, our Jesus, the son of God could not do God until the Grace for Anointing and power came upon Him. How much more you? You need Grace. Look at your life now and discern the Grace you lack then cry 😭 for it. Don’t live your life by strength. By strength can no man prevail.

The results we produce in this Kingdom are traceable to the dimensions or kinds of Grace that is at work in us. If you sing or preach and people cry 😭 during your ministrations, that’s because you have the grace to pierce the heart of men, but there is more. You also need the Grace to Heal them and Restore their loses after their tears 😭. Else you end up as an emotional minister without results.

Grace is not Generic. It differs. There is a Grace for Anointing, speed and restoration, there is also another Grace for Influence, wealth and abundance even favour, good health and fruitfulness etc… You can carry anointing to restore people and yet die poor as a preacher. Why you lack the Grace for wealth and abundance. Pray now for the Grace you lack and change your story tomorrow.

Grace is your spiritual pass to the next level. You cannot enter into the next level until you can tender the Grace for that level. Don’t enter a tomorrow you lack the Grace for. It may not go well.

Grace is not also 100% free. It is 99% God and 1% man. You access Grace by connecting to the name of Jesus Christ or by paying the price of alignment with the Holy Spirit or by submitting to impartation to a Higher Grace. See Hebrews 7:7.

This idea that Grace is unmerited is religious sentiment. Even salvation is not unmerited. You merit it. Not all Grace in this Kingdom are merited. Some are rewards. They came as a wages to your labour in Kingdom advancement or pursuit.

Grace may be invincible but the circumstance in your life know Grace and Honours it. Meaning, what bows to you did that because they saw a Grace that makes them bow. Jesus I know, Paul I know remember. Meaning, money and whatever you seek will not bow before you, until the Grace that can force them is present in your life.

You may not know the Grace you carry but you can feel it or smell it by the results you manifest. What are those dimensions you lack presently? Cry 😭 for it now and save your tomorrow from waste.

In the economy of God, situations answers to Grace. Not grammar or education or shouting and singing. Sing and shout as you like from now till tomorrow, if you lack the grace of healing, you cannot heal in your ministrations.

Can I talk to ministers? If you understand the dimension of Grace, you will know how to help people who seek you. Why? Their complaint is always revealing the deficiency of the Grace they lack. Meaning, if a woman say to you pastor I need a husband, she lack the Grace to be seen. Why? “He that findeth a wife…” And to be found, you must be seen.

Grace make people look πŸ‘€ at you and see you. You can’t be seen because you are big or attractive. There is a Grace that allowed Jesus see a short and unattractive Zacchaeus. Cry 😭 for it now.

A man of Grace does not live by chance. Grace creates chance for him. A man of Grace get his turn before his time. Nobody remember you just like that. A Grace must compel them to do so. Ask Modecai. Nobody get rewarded by pity. Ask Mephibophet. Grace is the catalyst that transforms the recorded into the rewarded. Grace move and reposition men. Ask Rebekah. She did not just go to the well that day, a Grace positioned her and delay others. Don’t live your life by chance. This earth is not Zee World. Strange Results happen because the holder carries strange Grace. Cry 😭 for one tonight.

This will help you as a Christian… When your pastor invites a man of God to any conference, he did not just invite a preacher, he just invites another dimension of grace. Don’t just attend the program, prepare a seed and sow into that Grace. Seek Graces and sown into them. That’s how to rise. Ask men who genuinely rose by grace. They will tell you how they got there.

This is why it is dangerous to miss a conferences. You did not just miss a program, you also just miss a certain grace you may lack. This is why people wait for year’s in Church for a dimension and did not get it. Because they prayed for a child and God through their pastor invite a preacher with the Grace of fruitfulness but out of ignorant they stayed at home.

Finally, Until you get what you desire don’t miss the meetings of God. You never can tell which day is your day. God does not empower people with material things or money. Rather he gives you the grace to possess material things and power to make wealth. Grace is the currency by which we buy possibilities.

I remain, BBC πŸ•ŠοΈ


Very Soon GOD WILL SHAME EVERY ONE THAT ABUSED AND UNDERRATED YOU YESTERDAY. Do you know why they did that? THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY DO. They thought they have seen all of you, but they are in error. Forgive them because they really do not know what they do, but shock them with your results. Their eyes have not seen what God has prepared for you but they will soon see it. Their ears have not heard it before but they will soon hear it. Their minds have not conceived your level of success but they will soon analyse it. Trust the process and keep on moving. We don’t give up, we get up. When a lion sees adversary it thinks HUNT and not RUN. That’s the mentality we need. Learn to dare what others fear. That’s how to get there. It is risky not to take risk.Β 

I remain BBC πŸ•ŠοΈ


There is a time when seed is needed but there are some situations that doesn’t need seeds.

God feeds men with either SEEDS OR BREAD 🍞. If God gives you a seed, he is saying to you in essence, son, GO AND PLANT ☘️ IT, THEN WATER πŸ’¦ IT, AND WAIT FOR IT. But whenever God gives you BREAD πŸ₯ͺπŸžβ€¦ He is SAYING, TO YOU, SON, JUST GO AND EAT.

Some of you seeing this now, need urgent intervention from God in some aspect of your life. In fact, the want in your life now, SEEDS will not look like a blessing, but a curse.

You have been delayed in life for too long that God needs to give you bread πŸ₯ͺ🍞 not seeds as compensation. Why? You don’t have time again. You are already late in life. But I pray πŸ™ for you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who called me and send me, if you can say amen, become the latest positive gist in your territory.

Finally, can I talk to Ministers? If what God showed you look like Noah’s ark (i.e. Building Spiritual Edifice) you may wait for 120 years. If what God showed you is Canaan Land, (i.e. Financial Ministry), you may wait like Abraham, for 25 years. If what God showed you is Israel (i.e.a National Mandate), like Jacob, you may wait for 20 years. If what God showed you is the palace (i.e. Mandates over Kings), like Joseph, you may wait for 13 years. If what God showed you is to deliver Israel (i.e. Deliverance Ministry), like Moses, you may wait for 40 years. If what God showed you is how to defeat Goliaths (i.e.Power Ministry), like David, you may wait for 12 years.  If what God showed you is FIRE MINISTRY, like Jesus, you may have to wait for 30 years. Why? ALL THESE REVELATIONS are seeds, they are not breads. So be patient before you end up as a patient in hospital or shrines. Trust the process.

Between the Prophecy and the manifestation is a dimension called process. What God reveals is the Prophecy not the Process. Be strong and have faith in the process. Not all Prophecies are Bread (Instant). Some are seeds (Seasonal). This is why Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone. (i.e don’t follow God with GIVE ME NOW MINDSETS. Man shall not live by instant results alone, remember?).

I remain, BBC πŸ•ŠοΈ


If you are close to a Pastor, there are things you must know and settle fast. If you do not settle it, you will walk into offence and it will truncate your relationship with both God and man. It will cause you pain and hinder purpose.

Access is the best gift a man can give to you. If you ever got one, value it. If you do not know how to handle access, it can damage you. Access have shut many people out of greatness both in Bible times and now.

No. 1 – Michal, the daughter of Saul, the wife of David, knew David from the days he showed up in the palace as that shepherd boy. She saw him rise in the military. She saw her father Saul scheme to kill David. She knew David in his “small boy” moments. She did not connect to the kingship, priesthood and prophetic dimension of David. The image of that “shepherd boy” never left her. Therefore, when David did his thing in worshipping God, she despised him. She never accepted his priesthood.

Do you know that David was on his way home to bless his family, and met an angry wife? Rebecca accepted the priesthood of Isaac and barrenness ended. Michal despised the priesthood of David and died a barren woman. Beware!!!

I have found out that people who are the closest to Great men or a Pastor are the ones who despise correction most times. You can hang around a grace and it does not smell on you. Why should the son of the prophet die in debt yet his wife ran to the same man he served and got a miracle?

If you are close to a Pastor, double up your walk of honour. You will see their weakness but never take it for granted. You will see faults but do not let it lead you into offence. Remember that they are men. Honour them. Honour is not worship. This is the rule- Anytime you see the faults, remember that it is because you have access. Access is a gift.

If you are married to a Pastor, it is a tougher demand. It will be pretty hard at times knowing when to relate with him as your pastor or as your spouse- be discerning. People can share testimonies about how your spouse has been a blessing and you look at your life and wonder if they are simply lying.

Some people never stopped seeing Jesus as the carpenter’s son. Know when relationships have shifted. Align with it. Settle it fast. Choose either you want the Pastoral Relationship or all you want is the friendship and fellowship. They are different realities.

I remain BBC πŸ•ŠοΈ


When you are loaded with a counterfeit anointing no matter how powerful it appears you will not be needed. Elisha knew if he must not remain the shadow of his master, Elijah, he must be different. Asking for double mean asking for difference. Don’t just aspire to look like my Father, Apostle Joshua Selman, seek double of his Grace. He (Selman) is also the double of someone.

Permit me to ask? Who will want a clone Apostle Joshua Selman or photocopied Selman when the original Selman is alive? This is why many of us fail. Don’t just aspire to be like Joshua Selman alone, find your uniqueness in the process.

I say this without controversy, If you are like me, you will not be needed when I am alive. You need to be MAD. How? “M” – MAKE, “A’ – “D” – DIFFERENCE. Only mad men make it in a mad world 🌎 of ours. That’s why the spiritual man is mad.

Finally always remember this, All mad men have their unique style of madness. As a spiritual man if you don’t have a certain USP (Unique Selling Point), I am afraid you will be loaded yet not needed. You will be anointed yet stranded. You will be anointed yet afflicted with Rejection.

Be unique. God did not call us as clones. All twelve Apostles have different presentations though ordained by the same master, spirit and Ordination.

I remain, BBC πŸ•ŠοΈ


Just as you can inject πŸ’‰ hard drugs into your bloodstream and receive power. You can also inject πŸ’‰ hard prayers into your spiritual bloodstream and receive the power of God. This is what we will achieve after this πŸ’― NIGHTS OF PRAYER INJECTION.

Join us live every 12 midnight from 1st July till 9th October, 2021.


The last physical act of Jesus was His disappearance from their sight. JESUS DID NOT GO AWAY. He went out of their sight as far as bodily presence is concerned. He had said, β€œLo I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.” This is the revelation behind the name Emmanuel – Jesus never left. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯.

The body in which Jesus had begun to do His work vanished. But it did not cease to exist. It vanished to make way for the body in which Jesus would continue to do and to teach mankind. That’s to say the Holy Spirit is the present body of Jesus… Ayaya πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

THIS BODY IS ALSO HIS CHURCH! Hallelujah. And this Church is no longer a structure. It’s now a living being. Glory!!! The days of limited service were over. The new body was there waiting for the Pentecostal outpouring.

There is no record that any person was ever instructed to β€œtarry” for the baptism with the Holy Ghost after the day of Pentecost. From that time forward it was just a matter
of yielding to the authority of the Holy Spirit, qualifying for it, and receiving the promised enduement that the body of the Holy Spirit offered.

β€œFor the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” (Acts 2:39)

Hear me: Whoever is a carrier of the Holy Spirit is a carrier of JESUS CHRIST. Ayaya πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯. Meaning, such a person is now the Jesus of his territory. I don’t know about you, I cannot be normal again. I have touch a Grace my life must change.

Listen to me: Jesus Christ doesn’t need to come to your Meeting when I am around. Why? He lives in me. He has already come. You will not understand.

I remain, BBCπŸ•ŠοΈ



Can I advise you? Why are you speaking over an issue God is silent about? when God is silent, please be silent). πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

If the Body of Christ can know and digest this message with an heart of repentance (YOU ARE JUST A MAN) we will have a better congregation and depopulate Hell in one month.

Whatever any other man can do, yes you can. Don’t criticize a dimension you have never attained. Without Grace you will fail. Always know this – YOU ARE JUST A MAN.

It is easy to criticize a man for the mistake of the lust of the flesh when you have not experienced such lust. Be careful!!!

It is easier said than done. When you were talking about people and their positions or decisions, you did not know what they went through before they did what they did. Beware, you are just a man. Show compassion.

Same applies with families and businesses, an understanding of this statement we are just men, will promote growth, peace ✌️and unity.

In this message – “YOU ARE JUST A MAN” lies the salvation of the next generation. (To err is human – Psalm 51:5 and Romans 3:23).

I wish this was a lie, but I am afraid it is not a lie. Am sorry πŸ’” – This message is missing in the Body of Christ today. We need it back. The message of love and compassion.

I remain, BBC πŸ“‘


If you must live long STAY IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE YOU ARE ACCEPTED IN YOUR POVERTY, NOT IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE YOU ARE JUST TOLERATED OR MONITORED TO FAIL. You are just a man. Don’t kill yourself before your time. Because of people who doesn’t value you. Move on!!!

In God of Wonders Chapel (We Move!!!). We move away from our past, it is an history. We move into the future, it is our mystery. Don’t stay in the Grave, even Jesus Christ of Nazareth moved after three days in the Grave.

Hear this: If tall people disvalue you, look for short people. I know what I talk about. I am a short man. I may be short but I am not short of words. The words I speak they are ancient words. Not motivational ones.

I remain, BBC πŸ“‘


There are things in your future God has already ordained for you. They’re going to far outweigh the disappointment, the pain, and the loss of yesterday. Keep on moving, go forward. The future is forward not backward. God has the final say. He has not brought you this far to leave you. He’s shown you His goodness, His favor, and His mercy in the past, and He’ll do it again in the future. Worrying is not a strategy that brings desired results. Instead try praying and trusting God. Ask Him to give you solutions and He will, “For I know the plans I have for you,”declares the LORD,β€œplans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a futureπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯.” Jer 29:11

God of Wonders Chapel. We Move!!!

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